Aug 13, 2023


"Don't you have unfinished business about that zine?" You told your blog readers you made one, but from yesterday's photo, they can't see its contents at all!

The weather forecast looks like I'll be staying home from the park awhile longer, so I'll introduce you to some of the friends on its pages.

The animal on the very back is the first one I'll be showing. This is DIAN, the Ao Daisho (non-poisonous tree-climber snake). I rarely see snakes now altho' they were good friends several years ago. I posted earlier what I'd seen about an Ao Daisho's maternal protection.

Onto the page before it:

Here's GOLDEN the garden spider. I think all outdoors spiders are beautiful (but I tell spiders and snakes they've got to understand I can enjoy them from a distance only--they must not get too close; I can't give you a mental explanation for my physiological desire to jump if they make contact with the skin!)

I'll add 3 more pages before it tonight, but I gotta go get ready for online fellowship, ok? Ta-ta!