Today, I'm going to the city of Sendai, where my sister Janice will be coming with some relatives to see a daughter who studied at the university there. I'll be joining up with them for a few days, will be back next Tues.
Altho' it seems like I won't be able to go to the park, I'll be posting a picture from Step Creek while away. It was done yesterday morning in black and white.
Meanwhile--today's post is about something totally unrelated, from the last two photos taken of an apartment building going up nearby. One shows a worker forming the front steps; the last shows how the cement has hardened, and the plywood guides have been removed. This reminded me of a conversation I had with my Mom years ago.
I want to know I love God for Himself, but it's just easy to live for God--I have support of friends, family, and church. Shouldn't God take away these "crutches" so my faith could become firmer and more genuine, I'd asked. She'd responded that God gave us girding as long as we needed it and would take it away in His own time.
Like those wooden planks were taken away when the cement was set?