I should've named him "Cowboy" or "Rowdy". One of my carp friends was like the little boy who came home all cuts and bruises; who couldn't stay out of mischief; who you didn't dare put in good clothes because you knew he was going to get it torn and dirty before the end of the day. Mime Mime liked to play out deep; I could always spot his dorsal fin cutting the water when coming home.
On June 28, I posted a black & white Mime Mime, but a friend e-mailed that she thought I ought to save the picture and color it in.
Yesterday, it was a relatively warm day, so about half a dozen carp came out of hibernation and were swimming in the creek. Yes--Mime Mime was one of them. Here he is, in living color this time.
I wonder how many "Winters of Discontent" we'll have to see before we step into eternal light also.