Jan 21, 2024

I wanted to tell you about the bird...

Please continue to pray for us here in Okinawa. I'll be here until Feb. 5, when Janice and I will be leaving, she to return to the U.S., and I to return to Saitama.

I told you I wasn't feeling too well in the middle of the week and had a slight temperature. I'm better now, and yesterday went to the church ladies' meeting to share my testimony...but Janice (the one who I pictured collecting shells in Izena) had regurgitation problems the night before and had to stay home and rest...I'll put up a post without illustrating it today, because I want to tell you about the bird altho' I don't have time to draw anything.

For a while now, I've found myself on the road without my camera when I've caught sight of a bird--I never thought anything of it when I lived here, but I realize now: anywhere else in the world, its plumage is grayish brown, but only in Okinawa, it has blue-and-copper coloring.

Friday, to make a long story short, GOD SENT THAT BIRDIE TO OUR WINDOW! "Please don't go anywhere, Sweetie," I said, while I rushed to get out my camera and focused on it. It posed for me and seemed to stay until I was satisfied with the best shot, then flew away. So--I'll post the photo of the bird that came, ok?

The same Heavenly Father Who lines birdlings' nests is the One Who provides pillows for His children to lay their heads--how good it is to be His own.