Jun 21, 2023


Oh dear. I thot she knew B-day meant Birthday.

When Abi the Abu (Robber Fly) said she could make the "Happy B-Day" sign with her grains of sand, I didn't know she was going to do this.

I'd strained my eyes to see what it was she'd formed in the ground, and realized it read: "Happy BUG Day"!

For my sister's birthday. I can't send her a photo of a sign celebrating insect life, can I? Oh well. Maybe She can use a chuckle on her birthday anyway.

"Thank you, Abi," I said, snapping a photo of what she made.


Okay. When Abi posed for me, it looked perfect for a sign, but she looked way too small and the grasses too unimportant, so they were drawn much bigger than they were in the photograph...and the story got "much bigger" too... Whoever heard of a spelling Fly?

Only spiders spell. Even Charlotte knows that.