(This was written Jan. 2022.)
I was sitting on a park bench one afternoon watching an inchworm making his way along. You could see it was a good day for this little guy. The way he held his head up high, his rhythm was steady: plop, pull up his body, stretch and plop, pull up his body, stretch and plop, pull up his body, His steps were sure, he wore a healthy translucent shine, almost beaming confidence...but wait. I saw a large crack in the wood ahead. What was he going to do when he found there was nothing to plop down onto?

Inchy paused for only half a second--oh; I'd named him "Inchy" by this time, since he was an inchworm--anyway, he paused for only a moment at that crack then lunged. Silly me, I found a part of me wondering "suicide?!" But then, I saw what Inchy had done. He threw the forward part of his body across the crack to the other side, and when his front legs caught the landing, he pulled the rest of himself up to it. After all, that's what inchworms do! It was almost as if Inchy turned his head around, looked back at me, and winked, "I can do anything! If I can't do it, it can't be done period."
I'll hand it to Inchy to do all he does. But I've heard he won't believe you if you tell him you can run, and his reasoning is simple. He'll tell you that's impossible. He can't move that fast, so he can't believe you can either. So There. That's that.
Does that sound ridiculous to you?
That's what humans do with virgin birth. God says I will have a Savior born to the human race through virgin birth. And many humans say: Impossible! You must have a father and mother, like the rest of us. I can't be born any other way, so neither can you.
That's what humans do with the resurrection. God says I will die and come back to life. And humans say: Impossible! When we die, we cannot come back to life, so you cannot either!
That's what humans do with creation, with miracles, with prophecy. God says I will do certain things, and humans say: Impossible! "If it's impossible for us, it's impossible period.