It got too more ways than one.
After my dentist appointment this afternoon, I thought I'd hop over to the park again, but I looked up at the sky, then over at Kinya. It would be too dark by the time I got there to do any sketching today, wouldn't it? Maybe tomorrow.
How does God do it? He makes things like shimmering black opals and pearls, glossy black-furred animals, rich velvet-winged butterflies, dragonflies, birds.
We humans seem to do the exact opposite. We take things that are supposed to be clear, luscious for the eyes and somehow dim it down, "uglify it", and call it "art", many justifying it by saying "art is free self-expression." BOSH.
There's always that student in art class who's jealous of the top artist and knows he can't do anything that good, so he scrawls something ugly and decides to declare it "self-expression". I realize some dark composition is legitimate--and perhaps skillful--presentation of a concept. I'm not negating that. But I AM saying we should NEVER dare to put the creator's--man's--expression on the same or on a level comparative to the Creator's--God's--untouched beauty, nor ever cease to marvel in it.