Nov 11, 2023

Some things don't merit discussion

Just a little more! The egret had come! I knew all the herons would be flying to some warmer area, and I wouldn't be seeing them now for several months. I wanted to get in a good initial sketch to do my final drawing, because I wanted to do a good one...but it was getting dark, and it wasn't a good idea to stay out myself.

"You shouldn't be out here by yourself," I'd heard several months ago. It had been getting dark then too. I looked up to see a person who claimed to be an atheist I had friendly discussions with at the park pavilion. "After the sun goes down, there are hoodlums around up to no good."

Today's sketch...I wanted to put in a few more lines...but I knew if he caught me out late again, there would be no friendly discussion; he might scold me then walk me all the way I decided to call it a day.