Feb 14, 2024

"Secret things belong to the Lord"

The time in Okinawa, I wasn't the only one that felt unwell. A touch of stomach flu kept Janice, the sister who'd come from the U.S, from going to the ladies' meeting on Jan. 20. Joyce had asked us to give our testimonies, but it looked like it would be just me.

Right after we got to church, we received a phone call saying one of the cars had a collision on the way there. Nobody was hurt, but there was no way to make the meeting on time. It looked like it would be just three ladies, Joyce, and me. Can I share the testimony I gave that afternoon?

God taught me once from Deut. 29:29, starting, "The secret things belong to the Lord our God". We're not to try to figure out what we don't know, but to leave it with Him.

I was in training in the U.S. to be a missionary, when thyroid illness struck; but when I was sent back to Okinawa for rest and treatment, the hospital there wasn't fully equipped so took months to do what could've been done in 45 mins. at a modern hospital. I argued with God then, "What're you doing?!"

It was after I returned to college I learned my mother had been in Stage IV cancer, and God had touched my body to get me all the way across the Pacific to Okinawa then practically forced me to spend those last few months with her--by making sure the hospital wasn't equipped to let me get away any sooner!

Sometimes we don't know why God does what He does: why He sends flu bugs, or uncomfortable waits after accidents either. But they're His secrets, aren't they?