Feb 12, 2024

We loved the song Takashi sang

Rumiko had been feeling a burden to go back to the place of her birth. My sister Joyce surprised her one day by asking, "We're near Yagaji; can you take us there and show us the area you grew up in?"

She was thrilled to see her kindergarten teacher and was able to talk at length to the person now living in the home she grew up in. After seeing her old schools, looking for graves and playmates, it was well past mealtime. We stopped at an inviting building wondering if we might pick up something to eat, found it wasn't a cafe but were delighted to learn they were Christians who had moved there!

We had Rumiko come to do special music with us that Sunday--it was a song Takashi sang once after his personal testimony. "How much do you love me?" a little boy asks Jesus. "This much," Jesus stretches out his arms on the Cross. The song ends, "I'm so sorry Jesus, but thank you so much."