The papaya tree? Yes, many have them growing in the back yard. Even with the Typhoon wind and rain, the papaya seems ok. It was a cool and exceptionally windy day today too, and my sister Joyce invited me to come along and hand out church Christmas fliers.
Nearby was a church member's home. Joyce had given her a gift from a U.S. Christian bookstore. It was a fitting gift, she said, as she'd spent hours on her garden. I wondered how much care God spent with us, painstakingly trying to make us creations of beauty to glorify Him
I prayed God would anoint the work of our hands and was reminded I was in Okinawa as a low-flying plane passed overhead. And as I continued going from house to house with the red sheets of paper, I noticed on the rooftop a rock thrush, blue-rust only in Okinawa.
Oh--my camera was out of juice; I'd forgotten to charge up before I left the house today. The flowers in Okinawa look so robust! I had to take a photo of the bloom in front of my unsaved cousin Kazue's house 3 mins.' from our home--I hope our church member neighbor keeps up her gardening if her blooms turn out anything like this! And as a bonus, God showed me one of the last homes had some papayas for sale too. Some industrious person was going to be not only fruitful, but profitable too.