I'd started writing Chapters 1-9 of "Kimiko-Roy's Adventures" (Daddy's title) 18 years ago. Daddy had saved all the material I'd sent him, and I combined it with the photos and documents he found for me to compose a testimony-biography book. Now the manuscript is on a software that converts it all into book form (it helps with table of contents, chapters, themes, illustrations, etc...).
Mommy wanted me to write as much as possible. She would've been happy to read the e-mail devotionals I sent Daddy from 2002. And she would've been glad to read her personal testimony in "Kimiko's Travel Agent", published online in 2007, as well as Daddy's last sermon, "The Value of One Soul". And may I enlist your prayers again?
God has given me the green light to go forward with the book for which He'd put on the brakes for a while. It seems I needed to repent for some heart problems that were grieving the Holy Spirit and preventing Him from having full sway in my heart.
God's work getting done depends completely on His faithfulness towards us, not on our faithfulness to Him, doesn't it? And speaking of "getting done", please pray God would show me how to tie up the ending.