Mar 1, 2025


"Sometimes I wish Mommy could hear what you're doing," I said to Joyce, marveling. "Nah; she's probably hearing much better stuff right now to be impressed by anything on earth."

She'd made sure all her girls got music lessons, insisting we'd be able to use it for the Lord.

"We are climbing Jacob's Ladder," I heard my sister do with one of her pupils as a piano duet for special music. But it wasn't just a "cutesy" musical number. After the song was over, the explanation was given how every verse was set in a higher key symbolizing how in life the Christian was climbing closer to God one rung at a time.

We all look down the ladder

and say we aren't that bad. I suppose the Godliest of preachers not only discern false cults but can scoff at the Holy Spirit's working thru' women. Those who see themselves as impartial in this matter may disdain other cuisines, accents, garb. People who have no problem being racist can call music unnecessary, and then some musicians turn around and shrug off artists and writers in ways they would never treat educators or professionals. 

Me? The other day, I was realizing how I needed to stop looking down my nose at "how shallow people can be" who live for looks and money.

But getting back to Joyce. Watching her teach the congregation made me think, "Only Joycie could do this!"

I feel so much would be wasted not to have her 40 years of music ministry recorded somewhere. I've begged her to show me what she has, and she's said OK!

Oshiro History has been basically journaled. I prayed, and God seems to want Joycie's Music Things stored next. 

Don't ask me why God chooses to use us when we're so blind to our own silly biases, just keeps showing them to us as we climb the ladder to Him. I'm so grateful He does anyway, aren't you?