8 men Jaime sees every day--but never in church--came to his Re-enlistment Ceremony at Gushikawa Baptist. Here are some pics I took at the refreshments and photo shoot later. (I held a cell camera during the actual ceremony for Jaime's friends and family viewing from the U.S., so I couldn't take any still photos during that time.)
There was plenty of pizza and cake afterwards (it was Jaime's b-day today) plus coffee and rolls. Oh--don't let the person standing next to Pastor Nishino, the person with "California" written down his sleeve, fool you; he's really from Pennsylvania!
We asked the men to get together up front and Pastor Nishino's wife had them smile for her.
Two other church folk, and Joyce and I were there too. Plus, of course, those who viewed proceedings from the U.S. were there "in spirit"! I wonder how many realized they were in a church started by a soldier that would no longer need to re-enlist but had finished tour duty and was Home with Jaime's Comander-in-Chief?
Oh--Pastor Nishino had been taking a video of Jaime's special day with the church video camera, and he sent me the YouTube link, so if you want to see it: https://www.youtube.com/live/uK6iTonTKqc (20.30-28.00 for actual ceremony and 31.40-32.15 Happy Birthday ♪, but the camera's running quite a bit before everything gets started). If you keep watching, you may hear "You raised him right" said to Jaime's mom visiting via cell or parts of the pastor's prayer before refreshments.