Feb 25, 2025



It was about 5:00 a.m., and the room was pitch black. I found myself jumping out of bed; swimming around in the dark, disoriented, wondering where my cellphone was; finding it and hurrying to put it in its charging cradle in another room. But it was maddening to come back and hear the beeping in the room.

1 Where There's Sound
Kinya was awake by this time and had turned on the room light. We searched high and low until we found the source of the sound: the smoke alarm on the ceiling--it hadn't been touched for 10 years--was telling us its battery needed to be replaced.
2 There's Wire

By the time we found and had unscrewed the smoke detector and stopped the offending noise, it was 6:04. I guessed it was time for me to recharge. No kidding. I keep a reminder on the bed headboard that says, RECHARGING w/GOD'S WORD. It has memory work and prayer projects to keep me focused.

3 Time to recharge?

"Aim for nothing, and you're sure to hit it," an old adage says. What's an adage?
Pithy sayings like, "Where there's smoke, there's fire."