When I peeked out of that back room Sun, I saw Joyce giving piano lessons to Aino.
I remember decades ago, when we began home meetings, my sister Janice and my cousin Rumiko played the living room piano. Rumiko complained she couldn't do special music because the notes danced around on the musical score. Rumiko went to Bible School,
raised three children, lived through a ministry, and is now a widow in her seventies.
Aino finished her piano lesson and left quickly with her newlywed husband for her next responsibility, but not before the two shared some infectious cheer with the church. God has gifted Aino to play piano by ear,
and He has inspired a shy Masahiro to take his turn leading the flock for worship service.
I'd heard how Masahiro was computer savvy, so when my laptop started having problems with the power switch, and it looked like it was time to buy another model, I asked him what he thought I should look for. Sure enough, he knew exactly what to say, and I took notes on everything, which really helped when talking with Kinya later.
Right now, we're praying for Masahiro's Uncle Jimmy, an American, who told him he was looking for a Baptist Church! Is it Providence that the school I graduated from, Maranatha BAPTIST Academy, has a church on island for Americans?
My Mom's younger brother, my "Uncle Jimmy", was the only one of her brothers who loved the Lord, so when I hear that name, I get a warm feeling. Sometimes, I'm SURE God winks.