Yesterday's post about my sister's caterpillars happened back in the 1960's, so there are no photographs of child insect enthusiasts of that I simply posted a small caterpillar who had fallen into the Irrigation Ditch at the park, sketched in 2021. Oh--here's a short explanation in Japanese:
「カワセミ、カワセミって、みんなさわいでいるけれど、あいつ、じっとしているだけじゃん?ふんすいのことも、きれい、きれいと、いうけれど、あわをふいているだけじゃん?オレたちイモムシが、ぜんぜんおもしろいと思う。特技をもっているんだぜ。『バンジージャンプ』ってきいたことあるかな。いつかみにきてね。」 いもむし
Along with the explanation that yesterday's caterpillar fell into the park ditch was shown the sketch of this caterpillar who boasted his "Bungy Jumping" was more interesting than the Kawasemi who stayed still and didn't do anything, and he was more attractive than the fountain who merely sprouted froth.