Mar 12, 2023


"When my sister comes, it will be too warm for the mallards; they're winter birds so will surely begin their migration home...but it's still not warm enough for the insects and pretty butterflies," I thought. "Rats." I wanted to show them to her so bad.

But wait. The spot-billed mallards WAITED around to say hello, PLUS the yellow butterflies came last week! When we went to the park, an orange carp swam up and stayed for awhile; a kawasemi perched on the end of a branch in full sight; an egret tiptoed up to where we were; GBH's circled in the sky; turtles were visible all over the place!

But do you think THAT interested my sister? Actually, they were fantastic, but to tell you the truth, they were completely eclipsed a few hours earlier. We'd made a visit to my daughter and visited my grandson Yusei. It was my sister Joyce's first time seeing'd understand she found him irresistably adorable.

Can you believe that's the way our Heavenly Father sees us too--"just adorable"! He can't help but love us!