Mar 18, 2023

Kogera (Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker)

"So you remembered to bring your notebook and pen with you today, tsi-tsi-tsi," The bird in the branches seemed to say, while peering down at me somewhat approvingly. It was a Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker, a charming feathered friend a little smaller than a sparrow! Was it going to let me sketch it?

"No" seemed to be the response, since it was hopping all over the place.

"Why won't you hold still, Birdie?", I said, exasperated.

I couldn't decide whether to draw it facing left, right, up or down!

I decided I would draw the Kogera (that's the Japanese name for this bird), but I'd do it at home, not try to sketch him while he was moving dizzyingly from branch to branch.

It was a lot easier to draw the turtles yesterday when they were basking at Main Bridge.

Some people think turtles move slowly so are a real drag, but when it comes to sketching them, I must say, that is definitely not a minus!

Some of the "drawbacks" or things we consider "handicaps" in our lives may actually work in our favor in surprising some people feeling they can relate to those who work at a slower pace, on a lower frequency level.

Maybe we need to simply trust God's wisdom for wiring us the way He did; He knew what He was doing when He made us.