When I went to the park today, I realized two adult turtles were swimming near the edge of Duck Pond. No doubt, they were asking if I'd finished the drawing I started of them.
Well, if they meant of the one climbing onto the basking boulder and the dragonflies coming after the drawing was finished, yes, I'd finished coloring it quite a while ago--hadn't I told them? But if they meant the one last weekend--I just finished it day before yesterday.
I'd looked for a little rock at Corner Cove where cute little hatchlings basked regularly. It's too small for adult turtles, but small hatchlings climb onto it, often two at a time, and I was going to attempt to draw it last week. But when I looked, I saw there was only one large female turtle on the large boulder--vacancy--so the two little fellers had climbed up onto it next to her. I decided to draw them instead. When people walking by neared to look, the turtles got scared and swam away. But I'd drawn enough to finish it.
I've taken quite a few pictures of those turtles at Duck Pond. One shows a picture of a basker with his front leg out feeling a raindrop...could he be saying to himself, "A little rain never hurt anybody"? I don't know about those Duck Pond turtles. Those baby turtles seemed to think nothing could go wrong as long as Mama was there...until some scary park visitors came walking near. Then they plopped into the water.
That's kinda like me, isn't it? I say I trust God implicitly but at the same time will tell you I am terrified about something that comes along. Hm.