Daddy kept neat folders of all prayer letters, and it was a real treat to look through them and see how God had worked thru' the decades, even stumbling over one prayer letter he happened to include of our co-worker the Russel Waalas. Their son, Brian, had illustrated their letter one month and Daddy had felt it worth saving in one of the Oshiros' prayer letter folders! You can see why!
It spoke of how we got used to the thick smell of the "katori senko" incense coils that had to be burned day and keep away the ubiquitous MOSQUITOS! Also of how we learned to relieve ourselves on holes in the ground with ceramic rims and wooden covers with handles...they called them "benjos". No, not "banjos"!
Of course, the "Mini Museum" has just gotten started. But already I've decided pretty much for sure: it's gotta show those prayer letters!