Jan 24, 2025

Monday Evening with the Saito Men

When we got back from the hotel Monday, we went out one more time with the Saito menfolk. The first stop we made was where our parents are buried. My son Keima, has not seen the graves in Okinawa. Islanders, mostly ancestor worshippers and afraid of making ancestors angry by neglecting them, spend more money on the family tomb than on their homes.

The Gushikawa Baptist Church saved to buy one for the flock--altho' most U.S. tombstones have crosses, it is the only tomb in the Uken graveyard bearing one. The sign Janice is pointing to has the names of the people buried in the church tomb--about 80 people can be buried in one structure--and the scripture engraved behind Kinya's head says "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE"

Then, Janice wanted to treat her brother-in-law and nephew to their "last supper" before she returned to the U.S. this visit. We saw on the roadside a young steer (bullfighter hopeful?) bucking around for its trainer who'd taken it out for a walk. Take it easy, big guy; we aren't going to a steakhouse for a meal of beef, but to a conveyor-belt sushi eatery, for "fast foods fish"!