Thank You God, for such a rich, rich 5 weeks with Janice. It's hard to believe it's already over. I still remember telling Pastor Ishikawa, when we fellowshipped at his place in Dec, she would probably be going home much too soon.
In the 5 weeks she was here, among other things, the Lord used her to felowship with Eddie, my classmate who had a stroke and heart problems, and his wife Nari who had a bout with cancer, and to prepare meals and plan activities for many home fellowships with especially the two most important men in my life (husband Kinya and son Keima)--oh that they would come back to Him! I know you'll pray with me they will--thank you.
Next week, on the way back to the U.S., she will go to mainland Japan with the person whose farm she visited and make rounds to mainland Japan.
Hurry back Jannie. Next time, it won't be just Joycie's apartment that will look nicer when you leave, but maybe upstairs too. After all, didn't the lyrics to our special music the last Sunday you were here go "As for me and for my House"...oh, that's not what it meant?
That's story for another post. Von Voyage, Jannie!