I still had a few more minutes before worship service started, Janice had told me, so I had rushed off to the ladies' room. When I got back, I was surprised to see she and Joyce were at the piano playing a duet for the prelude! The person I'd asked to get a picture of us during our special number thought quickly and photographed the prelude plus also my giving the intro to our special music later on.
Pastor Nishino's message was a big encouragement. Just about every week, he gets into a gloomy mood, he said, but God lifts him up in such a way he finds himself unable to keep talking about it to his wife, who has to beg him to stop and let her go to sleep! Some people would say you need to be an even-tempered person to go into the ministry. Mommy said she was afraid of people, was the timid scientist type who preferred peering down into a microscope. It was also apparent someone used her flower-arranging ability--rarely associated with church--for God's service. Apparently, His work isn't dependent on what His servants are like, but on Who they serve.
"As for me and for my house, we will serve the Lord." we wanted to sing it as the testimony our parents must've felt when they left Hawaii and Canada to start the work in Okinawa. I was going to post just one picture of us singing and couldn't choose which one so decided to put up both. As long as it's just ONE LORD, that's OK, right?