Yesterday, my sisters and I went out. We couldn't have had a better time at the hotel lunch fellowshipping with Nara and Eddie--Eddie greeted us, not in his wheelchair, but WALKING!
We talked about everything--including the way he used to sign his drawings in high school "the adidas". This is his drawing on the first page of school yearbook in 12th grade.
We made a stop at a Christian Bookstore and said hello to a pastor doing part-time work there who Joyce and Janice once taught in Sunday School, then we went to a hospice to see Norimi, someone who came to see my Dad in the hospital in his last days. We were given 5 mins. by the nurse, but Norimi was alert, and I believe we had a blessed time. ended the visit with prayer.
Our last stop was supposed to be to a hospital where a pastor's wife was--she's in the first stages of Alzheimer's and was hospitalized a few months ago for pneumonia altho' he'd been caring for her at home for years.
On our way there however, Joyce began noticing landmarks telling her she was in the wrong place. On checking the map, she realized we'd been going in the wrong direction and wouldn't make it in time, so we ended up phoning, and decided with the pastor, who visits his wife everyday, to change the visit to WED afternoon instead.
So...did you see this post without any photos, or are you seeing it now with the pics? At any rate, I, for one, am NOT a people person, who naturally runs around making social calls (believe it or not, many missionaries are NOT)...but God seems to tell some of us we are to do what's not "really me"--does that make sense? So we just figure He knows what He's doing...and DO IT!
And I think God usually shows us after every encounter, by the way our hearts get strangely warmed or invigorated, He really DOES KNOW.