I try to refrain from doing several posts in one day, but this needed to be posted today, so...
This is a picture of what my Bible looked like in 2015. I get carried away when I start writing--that is usually the way I talk with my heavenly Father--in my journal. I pretty much lose track of time. So last night, I chose and laid out clothes for today. As soon as I got up, I washed and changed first, telling myself I could then take all the time I wanted in my time with the Lord; when it was time to leave for church, I'd be mostly ready.
And...surprise, surprise: one of the things Joyce was giving away was a burgundy wrap-around Bible almost identical to the one I had used 10 years ago! But when I went to have my time with the Lord...1. I felt strangely chilled. 2. I just couldn't concentrate on the words, and my head hurt. Hey...could it be possible...? Oh-oh. When I checked, I had a fever of 100.4 degrees Farenheit. WAIT! God, weren't Masako and Chieko coming over this afternoon for dinner?
The decision was made for me to stay home from morning church activities (I watched online), see if I felt better by the afternoon. And even if I didn't feel well enough by the meal, I would be living in Okinawa so could see my cousins later; Janice would be leaving for the U.S. next week, so they needed to meet with her today. Could I enlist your prayers that I be feeling better by tomorrow, when Kazue comes? (She's the cousin whose mother gave us the land for this house.)