Jannie, these are some photos taken of wildlife Oct,-Dec. in front of the Tengan house.
Wildflowers, Great Blue Heron
It's too hot in Okinawan summers for most of them to come out, but they're plentiful in the cooler months.
Butterfly, Morehouse Hen
Maybe you could make a calendar, mug, or picture book titled, "Winters--Only In Okinawa" or something like that.
Dragonfly, Spider Hibiscus
Yeah. While there are people elsewhere in the world grumbling about the "Winter of our Discontent", there are others of us VERY CONTENTED with the Winter Wonderland our Heavenly Father gives us!
Banana plant, Calliandra
It's really not the changing seasons, the conditions themselves, that are important, but where we are in relation to the ONE in charge of those seasons, isn't it?
Blossoms near home...don't know names yet
I guess we need to keep our eyes on that.
Egret, Blue Rock Thrush
I was going to say God bless you Jannie, as you return to the other side of the globe and to the changes He has for you there...but you still have over a week in Okinawa, don't you? Yes! Silly me.