Jan 21, 2023


Actually, there were 6 different types of animals at that one spot. Because when I was finishing my outline, I took a step back and almost stepped on one of the 4-5 sparrows there.

"Sorry, I didn't see you!" I quickly turned a page in my notebook--"You guys are BEAUTIFUL! Please, can I sketch you?" I said, not really knowing if they were actual suzume (sparrow) or tsugumi or some other little bird of the woods who'd come out to see the drawing of their buddies in the pond. And they seemed to want to be sketched too, because they didn't seem in any hurry to get away. All I knew was they were adorable.

What a delightful surprise it would be if one of those birdies would open its beak and speak to me one day, "June, I've been watching you from a distance...I think I like you!" and then fly away. Wow. That would blow me away, make my day.

It boggles my mind to think the Creator of the Universe stoops down to the earth and thinks we human beings are adorable too--adorable enough to send His Son to die for us--and it would thrill His heart if I would open my mouth and say, "God, thank you for all you do...I think you're swell...I love you!" That would...make His day. Wow.