"The soldiers in the front lines get hit the hardest," Mommy used to say. I cried as I saw some of the old photos of her "Uncle Nagata". I told you how he left Hawaii at the drop of a hat to come help my parents in Okinawa in their ministry to the elderly, and how greatly God used him here. Well, the enemy wasn't very happy with this new reinforcement...and from pictures and vague memory, I know he tried to take him out. What a wicked enemy we battle.
When Grampa Nagata came from Hawaii, he was single, but it seemed a partner had been prepared for him. But we know that some "gifts", like the Trojan Horse in history, can have an ulterior purpose. It became apparent Grampa had to leave, and he spent the rest of his life alone. Yet you can read in past posts how, even through his funeral, an unsaved relative surrendered her life to Christ saying to Grampa Nagata, "You win. Your God is stronger than mine." (Mar. 20. 2023)
There are, doubtless, others like "Uncle Nagata" who have answered God's call by following Him with their all only to find themselves crippled by the enemy's cruelties. Please know our Lord is watching; Heaven's hosts are aware; and careful annotation is being made in the annals of eternal "Halls of Fame".
One Day, before multitudes of Christians, our Captain Himself will declare His pleasure; and endured shame will turn into greater joy in being able to cast crowns at His feet. I'm sure Grampa Nagata knew that was coming.
The last photo? That's Grampa Nagata having a picnic with the family out in our yard after we moved to our new house.